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See also

  • Astro
    A defense to 1NT in which a double is for penalty, and 2/ overcalls are artificial.

  • Brozel
    A defense to 1NT in which a double shows a one-suited overcall, and all 2-level bids show specific 2-suited hands.

  • Cappelletti (Hamilton)
    A defense to 1NT in which double is for penalty, and 2-level overcalls are conventional.

  • DONT
    A defense to 1NT in which double shows a one-suited hand, and 2-level overcalls show the bid suit + a higher suit.

  • Gates Double
    An artificial double of 1NT by a passed hand.

  • Landy
    A (very old) defense to 1NT in which a 2C overcall shows both majors.

  • Meckwell Defense to 1NT
    A defensive bidding structure for use against both weak and strong 1NT opening bids.

  • Multi-Landy (Woolsey)
    A very scientific defense to 1NT.

  • Pinpoint Astro
    A variation of the Astro convention, using double as penalty.

  • Ripstra
    A slight variation of the Landy convention.

  • Roche
    A (very old) defense to 1NT in which a 2C overcall shows 12-14 points and 3+ clubs.

  • SCUM
    A defense to 1NT that shows two-suiters by Shape, Color and the Major suits.