Short suit game tries must be alerted under World Bridge Federation (and many other) tournament rules.
Examples of responder's possible holdings in the short suit:
Suit Holding | Responder's action |
xxx Jxxx Axxxx |
Bid game |
QJxx KJxx |
Bid game with a maximum |
KQJx AKxx AKJx |
Sign off in 3/ |
Opener | Responder | ||||
KQT | 53 | ||||
AKT53 | 987 | ||||
6 | AKJT | ||||
K953 | T876 | ||||
Opener 1 3 (1) Pass |
Responder 2 3 (2) |
Opener | Responder | ||||
KJ3 | QT2 | ||||
KQT632 | J94 | ||||
A32 | KJT | ||||
5 | 7643 | ||||
Opener 1 3 (1) Pass |
Responder 2 4 (2) |
One disadvantage of short suit game tries is that they may indicate a safe opening lead for the opponents. Another danger is that the opponents may find a sacrifice. An opponent doubles with length and strength in the short suit, his partner finds himself holding 5 cards in the suit, and suddenly
After 1 : 2, a 3 may or may not be a short suit game try. This requires partnership discussion:
Opener | Responder | ||||
AJT62 | KQ8 | ||||
AQ65 | KT73 | ||||
7 | J65 | ||||
A96 | 532 | ||||
Opener 1 3 (1) Pass |
Responder 2 4 (2) |
This sequence is natural because a 4-4 fit is often preferable to a 5-3 fit. These two hands play better with hearts as trumps, because the spades can be used to pitch club losers from dummy. Declarer can draw trumps in three rounds, run the spades, and then ruff a club in dummy for an overtrick. With spades as trumps, 10 tricks are the limit.
Note that this problem does not occur when the auction begins
Lastly, the use of short suit game tries means that opener's
Opener | Responder | ||||
T9876 | AQ5 | ||||
AK5 | 876 | ||||
3 | Q8764 | ||||
AKJ3 | 42 | ||||
Opener 1 3 (1) |
Responder 2 4 (2) |
As an alternative to short suit game tries, see help suit game tries.
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