Hexagon is a system of multipurpose two- and three-level bids that uses transfer preempts. Two-level suit bids have 6 possible meanings, hence the name. The scheme is based upon
Myxomatosis Two Bids.
The opening bids are as follows.
Opening |
Meanings |
2 |
An ACOL two bid with clubs
A weak two bid in diamonds
4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0 short in diamonds, 17+ HCP
5/5 in and , 5-10 HCP
5/5 in and , Game forcing
18-19 HCP, balanced
2 |
An ACOL two bid with diamonds
A weak two bid in hearts
4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0 short in hearts, 17+ HCP
5/5 in and , 5-10 HCP
5/5 in and , Game forcing
20-21 HCP, balanced
2 |
An ACOL two bid with hearts
A weak two bid in spades
4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0 short in spades, 17+ HCP
5/5 in and , 5-10 HCP
5/5 in and , Game forcing
22-23 HCP, balanced
2 |
An ACOL two bid with spades
A weak three bid in clubs
4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0 short in clubs, 17+ HCP
5/5 in and , 5-10 HCP
5/5 in and , Game forcing
24-25 HCP, balanced
2NT |
5/5 in and , 5-10 HCP
5/5 in and , 5-10 HCP
5/5 in and , Game forcing
5/5 in and , Game forcing
26+ HCP, balanced
3 |
Unbalanced, Game-forcing. A 3 response
is waiting. 5-4-4-0 with a solid 5-card major can be opened 3 .
3 |
Transfer preempt to hearts
3 |
Transfer preempt to spades
3 |
Gambling 3NT
3NT |
Minor suit preempt (transfer to 4 )
2x Responses
Opening suit bids at the two-level are forcing for one round. Responder should assume that opener has a weak two, the most frequent hand type.
With the 2
openings, when there is no interference, responder with < 13 HCP bids the next suit up the line. With 13+ HCP, he can inquire by bidding 2NT.
- "Accept" the transfer by bidding opener's presumed suit. This is a signoff. Opener can bid a new suit to show a different hand pattern (or 2NT after 2
: 2
- 2NT is artificial and forcing, with 13 HCP. Opener should bid his natural suit (weak or strong), or the cheapest one if holding a two-suiter.
2NT Responses
After a 2NT opening, responder bids the first suit (up the line from
) with 3+ card support or bids 3NT to show game-forcing values.
Opener's Rebids After a Transfer
If responder completes the transfer preempt by bidding the next-higher suit, opener may:
Opener's Rebids After 2x : 2NT
After hearing a strong, artificial 2NT inquiry, opener may:
Opener's Rebids After 2NT : 3x
- Bid 3NT with 26+ HCP
- With weak
, pass if responder has bid his suit, or correct to his next suit up.
- With game force
, raise if responder has bid his suit, or bids his major to game
Other Considerations
Advantages of Hexagon
- Strong hands (that are usually opened 2
) are naturally bid, showing the predominant suit (2
- All single suit weak hands including the minors are covered.
- No-trump hands are defined precisely within 2 points.
- 2 suited hands of the same color or rank (
) are precisely defined.
- 2 Suited odd combinations are defined through 2NT bid.
- Game forcing 2 suited hands are covered and defined (where 2 suited opening hands are not GF, bid higher ranked suit first naturally at 1 level).
- Any suit bid can effectively cover any suit and any strength (e.g. 2
can be strong clubs, weak diamonds, weak or strong hearts & spades, strong no-trump) so opponents will have difficulty to overcall and can get themselves into difficulty.
- Logical and easy to remember.
Alternative Options
Bidding 2
and then 2NT with 18-19 points when partner has very few points
In most cases where the opponents' points are equally distributed, they will not double and we may be able
to get away with any major disaster. Opening at the 2-level also reduces frequency of overcall by
opponents (as opposed to opening 1
intending to bid 2NT).
When doubled for penalty, partner can initiate an escape with a long suit to limit the damage:
- With a 5+ card major, transfer.
- With a 5+ card minor, redouble and either pass the 3
bid by opener or correct to diamonds.
- With shortage in clubs and tolerance for all the other suits, responder can bid 3
Stayman and pass any bid by the opener.
- With 5-5, 5-4 or 4-5 in the majors, responder can redouble and after opener's 3
bid, bid 3
to show such distributions and leave it to the opener to select between hearts and spades.
Alternatively, some partnerships may select to go the traditional path for 18-19 HCP balanced
hands by opening 1
and planning to rebid 2NT.
Opening 2
, 2
and 2NT with weak 2 suited combinations
These openings will take the partnership to the 3 level. It is recommended to open with points in the two suits, at least one top honor in each suit and when vulnerable at the higher point range.
Recommended Defense Against Hexagon
Against the 2-level openings:
- Overcalls are natural.
- Double shows an opening bid in the suit opened, or an 18+ balanced hand.
- 2NT shows 15-17 balanced and a stopper in suit above the opened suit.
- Double 2NT with a strong no-trump hand, or a strong one-suiter that you can bid next.
Against the 3
game-forcing opening:
- Overcalls are natural and may be lead-directing
Against the 3
transfer preempt openings:
- Cue bids (4
) are natural.
- Any spade bid after a 3
opening is natural.
- 3NT is to play.
- 4NT shows both minors.
- A cue bid of the higher suit shows 5 cards in the other major and 5 cards in a minor (Michaels).
- Double is for takeout with shortage in the higher suit.
Against the 3
(Gambling 3NT) opening:
- 4
shows both majors with preference for hearts, or equal preference.
- 4
shows both majors with preference for spades.
- 4
and 4
are natural.
- Double is for takeout.
Against the 3NT minor suit preempt opening:
- 4
shows both majors with preference for hearts, or equal preference.
- 4
shows both majors with preference for spades.
- 4
and 4
are natural.
Hexagon was invented by Australian Bijan Assaee. It is based on Myxomatosis Two Bids introduced by Dr. Bob Sebesfi & variations by Sean Bentley & John Sfinias.